
3 Wheel Rear Drive Electric Counterbalanced Forklift Truck



Built to perform in confined spaces, the A1.3-1.5XNT delivers impressive power and reliability without breaking the bank thanks to its economic design.

  • Strong chassis construction
  • Efficient handling
  • Operator-friendly design
  • Low cost of ownership
  • Long service life

Branschens bästa

  • Dryck
  • Kemikalier
  • logistik

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The most compact truck we offer in its class

This compact, 24V, rear-wheel drive forklift truck provides the economy, performance, manoeuvrability and reliability required in tight applications, With both a low acquisition cost and low cost of operation, the A1.3-1.5XNT is an economy truck that delivers powerful results in tight warehouse operations, or when unloading containers and lorries.

The truck’s strong chassis construction provides excellent durability and stability, boosting driver confidence and enhancing productivity. A steel hood and durable side covers provide increased resistance to impact damage and general wear and tear.

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