
4 Wheel Electric Forklift Truck Pneumatic Tyre



Tough, powerful, high capacity electric fork lift trucks with a low cost of operation

  • Strong construction and proven components
  • Industry-leading speeds
  • AC traction motors
  • Tab tiVehicle System Manager (VSM)tle 4
  • Long service life

Branschens bästa

  • Dryck
  • Kemikalier
  • logistik

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An electric truck with ICE-like performance.

These powerful four-wheel electric counterbalanced trucks deliver excellent manoeuvrability and a low cost of operation through customisable performance settings. This results in a perfect balance between energy efficiency and performance. Designed to operate both indoors and outdoors, this tough electric truck delivers ICE-like performance combined with low energy consumption for metal, timber, beverage, bottling, paper, pulp and automotive industries.

The truck’s robust and highly rigid construction includes a heavy-duty mast and axle for excellent load handling and designed to handle loads found in tough indoor or outdoor applications.

Proven components enable long term reliability and durability with VSM (Vehicle system manager), O-ring face seal fittings, AC motors, sealed electrical connectors, Hall effect sensors, Solid state encoders.

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