
Platform High Lift Stacker



Reliable platform stand-on stackers designed to keep costs low and productivity high.

  • Robust chassis design
  • Ergonomic design
  • Fast lift speeds
  • Efficient servicing
  • Superior performance

Branschens bästa

  • Dryck
  • Kemikalier
  • logistik

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Superior performance with a low cost of operation

Handle the most demanding operations with varying lift heights and mast configurations. The S1.2-2.0S stand-on stacker truck features a folding platform, the S1.2-1.6S IL stacker truck includes initial lift and the S2.0S SL stacker truck includes straddle legs.

The stand-on stackers robust chassis design features a one-piece base frame with no welded arms and a pressed bumper. The welded standard frame is available in 2 basis lengths according to the battery compartment and 2 different thicknesses according to capacity. The initial lift frame is available in 2 basis lengths according to the battery compartment and 1 thickness. The bumper’s rounded design and increased thickness provides greater protection for the operator’s foot, as well as increased robustness. 

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